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8 ways to feel calm from the moment you wake up

8 ways to feel calm from the moment you wake up

I was pondering this morning as I drank my morning organic decaf coffee with coconut milk (it's delicious) what has helped me tremendously throughout my life to keep calm have always been the simple things. Whether it's long walks, luxurious baths, eating well, watching the waves crashing on the seashore, snuggling into Tony's arms as my head lies on his left shoulder with his bear like grip have always comforted me when life, particularly midlife and menopause, was literally too hot to handle. 

One of my biggest turning points I learnt by accident. It happened in 2018. Suddenly, out of the blue it dawned on me that most of my simple hacks were missing (except the hugging). I realised my rushing around trying to please everyone and do everything was draining the life out of me. I was tired, disappointed and lost as nothing I had been doing was leading to the dream life I'd hoped for as a child in a dysfunctional family. Menopause in all its stages had robbed me of the essence of me. Life being harsh didn't help but it was time to take my power back. 

So I decided  to step back, assess where I was, see what and where I wanted to be next year and make "starter" plans (as I've changed them now). Then I took action on how I could nourish and nurture myself back to feel more like me again and work on living the life of my dreams. I went back to my simple hacks and over time, with a lot of struggle, life got better. Also, I mercilessly sent anyone or anything toxic in my life packing. It proved totally transformative.

As I pondered all this the phrase below popped into my head and is now going to be a mantra along with my business mentor's phrase of 'enjoy the process and have fun'.

You are who you want to be. So Be YOU.

I'm living my life on my terms now. My life is packed with rituals, routines and checklists that help me daily to be the person I want to be and work on the life I want to live now and in the future. I rest when I need to rest, take long luxurious baths, not so much these days as my menopausal aches and pains have eased, and meditate seriously and continue to nourish and nurture myself appropriately.

A good life takes work but the benefits I've found as you move along the journey to you can be amazing. Oh and yes the hugging has stayed stalwart throughout, I seriously don't know how that man has stayed with me through menopause, glad he has though.  

Can you resonate? I hope the tips above are useful to you.

Want more? Check out my simple checklist below for even more easy routines and rituals to get your calm on. They are broken down into 4 sections.

"15 ways to get your calm on in menopause
Grab this easy set of tips on how to reclaim your calm and get some peace and quiet even if your life is hectic and menopausal symptoms are wearing you down. 

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